Why Select Excellence Groups ?

Excellence Groups

Excellence Groups

An "Excellence Group" is a learning platform that brings together similar dealerships where the dealer operators have the opportunity to openly exchange ideas, strategies, experiences and best practices.

In practical terms, by being a member of a group:

  • You receive a monthly financial composite report allowing you to compare your performance with that of other group members. This report is an indispensable tool for evaluating your performance and improving the profitability of your dealership.
  • You annually participate in 3 2-day meetings (for a total of 6 days). At these meetings, the financial composite report is used to identify opportunities deserving your attention. You can tap into the experience and knowledge of your peers to develop a focused action plan targeting those opportunities.
  • At the end of each meeting, you must set goals you will be accountable for and report on at the next meeting.

The ultimate goal is to increase your profitability by:

  • Increasing your sales;
  • Increasing your gross profit margins;
  • Better managing your costs and your expenses;
  • Implementing proven best practices, ideas and strategies enabling you to lead in an ever changing industry.